This video was so much fun! I'm a sports girl so it was right up my alley! the scenes were baseball,football, and basketball. On the set was pretty cool, I worked the video with one of my good friends, and met some cool chicks there as well. Because sometimes on set the girls can be...hmm..whats the word im looking for...lets just say, they can be real FAKE and superficial. And thats not what I am about. The ones that are like "well ive worked with so and so and blah blah blah, the ones that after 2 minutes you start thinking about what your going to be doing later. ughh! seriously like that doesn't impress me. And come to think of it, I cant get you a movie deal sooo why are you telling me all this stuff?? NOW if i ASK you, then its different, but some ppl always feel the need to brag about life itself. I dont know thats just my opinion. Yes it might further your career, if you name drop, but if your talking to me and my face starts looking a little like this (o_-) ehh chances 9 out of 10 i stopped listening! =) i swear imma sweetheart..promise.
WHOA vented real quick..lol so back to d4w, these guys have a lot of talent and most of all HEART. And thats what you need to make it. This video was directed by Wuz Good. Probably the best Director out right now in my eyes. His vision is beyond whats out right now. Not to mention is is effin hilarious!! Keep a close eye on him.
This video was shot in the summer of 08 i believe, at least it felt like it, then again this is Florida lol.
Moral of the story....Dont brag..your true talent will shine through!
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