heyy everyone :-) Today i had an audition for a Party City commerical that was choreographed by Chris Judd! unfortunaly i didnt make the cut.There was a lot of amazing dancers there and it was so much fun, we did choreo to thriller! pretty pumped i got to meet Chris Judd. He was such a down to earth dude and funny! also a great teacher, he thoght at a nice and steady pace!
Aug 12, 2009
Audition choreo taught by Chris Judd!
heyy everyone :-) Today i had an audition for a Party City commerical that was choreographed by Chris Judd! unfortunaly i didnt make the cut.There was a lot of amazing dancers there and it was so much fun, we did choreo to thriller! pretty pumped i got to meet Chris Judd. He was such a down to earth dude and funny! also a great teacher, he thoght at a nice and steady pace!
Aug 10, 2009
Catchin up!
Heyy, well today i found out i didnt get the part for Fat Joe ft. Pleasure p's music video..its cool, i mean you cant get everything you try out for you know..only motivates you to stay grindin and never lose sight of what your goal is.
\Some girls came to the casting soo effin revealing, I mean like dang you can wear something that compliments your assets but wowwzers some of the things i saw that day were OD! lol...but the ride was cool..its always fun driving down to miami...it was a good expierence, and it wasnt a complete lost. met up with a friend that moved down there and we had dinner and caught up!

well i hope everyone had a great weekend! stay motivated and always look at the positive side of things. one thing I learned was that females in the industry are in it only for themselves. There was a girl there that was sooo effin nervous and i just told her to relax and be yourself, and talked to her until she calmed down. While i was doing hat i was getting the only dirty looks lol Always remember if something is for you it will be reguardless of who you help out! muah! laterrzz :-)
Mar 20, 2009
My expierence On the Set of "ima Put it on Her" Day 26 Feat. diddy & Yung Joc!

Heyyy!! Imma give you the RUN DOWN!
Well, Considering that the whole weekend i had like 3 hours of sleep!! lol...The casting for it was on Thursday, and I'm in the computer lab in school checking my email and audition sites and i see that the audition was that day at 6pm,, Mind you the casting is in Miami and I live in Orlando, and i had class and workk! ugh! lol so i look at my boy and im like should i go? hes like yo i think you should man its Diddy! lol so i'm like ughh i don't wanna call out from work..so i think and i call my mom and shes like what you want to do? I'm like i wanna go! lol so i look at my boy and i'm like thanks! so i leave and go home and blow dry my hair pack all my stuff and call my home girl and i'm like you wanna go to miami and shes like hell yea! lol so we left at 2 and got there around 5:30ish. i was the first to audition. the audition was literally AGAIN like 2 minutes...i tried to leave a good impression, smiled a lot n stuff..which im always smiling lol
So i got out and i looked at my home girl and was like..thats it...and shes like what? lol So i figured were in Miami, might at well stop at my aunts house to eat before we head back home...i got home like at 1 in the morning, woke up at 8 to do some homework and i get a call at like 2 saying i got a call back! had to be in Miami again at 5, so i packed the car once again and headed back to Miami, i got there and the call backs lasted like 4 hours, CRAZINESS! at the end they picked the leads and i was one of them, i was soo excited! i get to my aunts huse around 12 at night , eat something and went to bed like at 3 because i couldn't sleep..lol got up at 4am because call time was at 5 30am (yeah i know) !
i get to the set and they have breakfast ready :) we had our trailer for the ladies and i got to work with Jabu again which was great because hes so great to work with. i went to make up and hair around 8ish , first scene was at the beach....soo me and the 4 other girls are on the beach while crew is setting up and day 26 is looking at us to see who they want to be their lady in their scene..so Will looks at me and is like your going to be my girl in the video! i was like yayy lol..
the guys are all goof balls and just great spirits to be around, they were so funny and they truly love what they do! they were so down to earth and great and they could really sing foreall!!! lol we all had the same personalities and sarcasm so we got along very well, the other girls were kind of like on the side not talking really...which is soo not my style. and i've notice that artist and crew like to work with people that are outgoing and fun to be around and not Divas.
Yung Joc has to be one of the coolest guys I've ever met in LIFE lol, this man has to be the funniest guy..lol he made behind the scenes so fun to hang out. My scene with Will was very...sexy, since hes like the sexy one out the group they wanted me to lift his shirt and be real sexy...so i had to try to be sexy without laughing at myself lol..but overall they said it came out good so we will see! he made me feel very comfortable to work with him, he wasn't one of those creepers lol they all made it such a great environment to work in, c

the only down set for me was that i was really looking forward to meeting Diddy and when he came on set in the club scene he didn't say one word to anyone...i guess when your Diddy you can do that, but it would of been nice..u know..but besides that the video shoot was great! i would love to work with these guys again! i advise you get their album April 14 , its going to be firee!! keep a look out for the video! :)
Moral of the story....Dedication truly distinguishes dreamers from doers! if you really want something go for it!!
Mar 16, 2009
Catching up!

Okayy so i have to really keep up with this, I just came back from Miami, visiting family, effin amazinnggg time!
Yesterday i did a casting for Big tiggers fashion show in tampa, the casting went well, i believe its going to be swimsuits and classy and tasteful lingerie, i kinda had a tough time with the whole lingerie thing so i talked to them and asked if there was any other categories but they assured me that it was very tasteful....so lets see if they call me back and we will see how tasteful it is ;)
Right now im just looking for castings for videos and short films, so i'm on the grind. Ive seen theres a couple coming up in Miami for Rick Ross and the Dream and Also Day 26 and Diddy are shooting ones as well this month and next. def trying out for those! its just hectic to drive back in forth and when your going to school and have a job,
Geezz following your dream is a full time job! lol i love this life though ;)
You want your dreams to come true you cant sleep BABY!
Jan 12, 2009

This video was so much fun! I'm a sports girl so it was right up my alley! the scenes were baseball,football, and basketball. On the set was pretty cool, I worked the video with one of my good friends, and met some cool chicks there as well. Because sometimes on set the girls can be...hmm..whats the word im looking for...lets just say, they can be real FAKE and superficial. And thats not what I am about. The ones that are like "well ive worked with so and so and blah blah blah, the ones that after 2 minutes you start thinking about what your going to be doing later. ughh! seriously like that doesn't impress me. And come to think of it, I cant get you a movie deal sooo why are you telling me all this stuff?? NOW if i ASK you, then its different, but some ppl always feel the need to brag about life itself. I dont know thats just my opinion. Yes it might further your career, if you name drop, but if your talking to me and my face starts looking a little like this (o_-) ehh chances 9 out of 10 i stopped listening! =) i swear imma sweetheart..promise.
WHOA vented real quick..lol so back to d4w, these guys have a lot of talent and most of all HEART. And thats what you need to make it. This video was directed by Wuz Good. Probably the best Director out right now in my eyes. His vision is beyond whats out right now. Not to mention is is effin hilarious!! Keep a close eye on him.
This video was shot in the summer of 08 i believe, at least it felt like it, then again this is Florida lol.
Moral of the story....Dont brag..your true talent will shine through!
Nov 16, 2008
This was my first magazine spread and G.O.A.T deals with sports and hip hop. (http://www.goatmag.com/) shot by Wuz Good. This shoot was way too much fun! besides the fact I thought i was going to break my neck hanging upside on the rim.
I didnt think it would be that bad, right? HA! When i got on top of the ladder and looked down, my hands started to sweat and I was like whhyyyy...did i say i would do this. lol so after 15 minutes of being a punk and not letting them take the ladder from under me i finally turned upside down and yellled into the camera!! ahhhh!!!!
Oct 13, 2008

This was for the Florida Classic special edition for Ozone.
Slim- E was really cool to work with. Honestly the only guy I
know with Gucci rain boots! =) He was Recently signed with
legendary producers Justice League. It was a pretty fast shoot.
The jeans I had on this shoot were way too tight and was cutting
off the circulation to my legs for a couple hours! Definitely the last time I
wear those! =) Overall, great shoot!
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